Thursday, June 19, 2008

In February of this year, our guild had Kathleen Davis come to teach another workshop (and I had the pleasure of hosting her at my home). I had previously taken her 2-day Fairy/Gnome workshop and thoroughly enjoyed it and her teaching style, so when another workshop was offered, I jumped at the chance. This time the workshop was Dragons, Frogs & Friends. Kathy is a great instructor and we turned out some amazing pieces.
Here are the pieces I did in the workshop.

I did a couple of dragons, a couple of frogs, a couple of snails and a "creature from the blue lagoon".


  1. I absolutely love your dragons-but right now, I am planning a froggie kidnapping! Nina-all of these are so much fun!!!!!!!!!
    hugs, chris

  2. Nina! Your clay figures are amazing!!!!! As are your dolls, journals, EVERYTHING you put your hand too!! INCREDIBLE work, my friend!!!!

  3. Nina, clay is SO YOUR NITCHE!!!!!!!!!
    LOVE all of them, the dragons are my favorite, with their scaley skin.........hehehe, but they still look HUGABLE which cracks me up! Awwwwwwwwwwwww!
    Hugs, Patti
